Ohio State University (POTW – June 27)

It was a slow photographic week for me so, to make up for the lack of new photos, I have a few shots from the past that were all taken at my Alma Mater – the home of Buckeye Country, The Ohio State University. 🙂

I’ve got to say, I didn’t get very far into my photo archive when I realized I have tons more OSU photos that I want to share so, after today’s Photos of the Week, expect some more Photos of the Day featuring Ohio State University subjects.  Now, on to this week’s photos…


People say you should save the best for last but I’m not going to do that today.

Ohio Stadium in Bloom. Taken on the campus of The Ohio State University, this photo earned me the President's Choice Award in the 2006 OSU Faculty/Staff Arts and Crafts Exhibit.

Ohio Stadium in Bloom. On the campus of The Ohio State University.
Like it? Buy a print or canvas at Imagekind!

This first photograph is one of my all time favorites and is the reason I created CEGPhoto.com back in 2006.  I like it so much, I also put it on the cover of my OSU Around Campus Calendar!

There’s so much that I like about this shot that I don’t know where to begin.

First, Ohio Stadium and the Ohio Stadium Rotunda are iconic representations of THE Ohio State University (yes, that’s what we’re called :)), a great source of pride among Buckeye fans and are instantly recognizable when you see them.

From a visual perspective, I love the vibrant red and white tulips and the contrast that they make with Ohio Stadium out of focus in the background. The bright colors grab your attention and then your eyes continue up to the stadium and start to take in the rest of the detail.

The Orton Hall bell tower at The Ohio State University.

Orton Hall Bell Tower, The Ohio State University. Pentax *istDS – 135mm @ 1/180

Lastly, the image has a nostalgic appeal for me. As anyone familiar with the Ohio State University campus knows, construction and renovations are a constant occurrence.  Well, this particular plot of earth where the tulips sit is actually no longer there.  It was removed several years ago in a Lane Avenue widening project so, unfortunately, this photo can never be taken again.


Next I have this shot of the Orton Hall bell tower.

Orton Hall is one of the oldest original buildings on the Ohio State University campus and, in addition to having a lot of history and significance behind it, it is also said to be haunted!

Home to the Orton Geological Museum and Library, over 40 different types of Ohio stone were used to build Orton Hall. The bell tower also contains 25,000 pounds of bells and is surrounded by 24 columns with gargoyle heads which are actually restorations of fossil animals. Very cool!


Last, but certainly not least, here is one more OSU icon that everyone knows: The Ohio State University Marching Band.

TBDBITL - The Ohio State University Marching Band and its Drum Major.

TBDBITL – The Ohio State University Marching Band. Pentax *istDS. 100mm, f14 @ 1/100

Also known as The Best Damn Band In The Land, or TBDBITL for short, the OSU Marching Band has a long history that is filled with traditions.

The band had its beginnings in 1878 and in 1920 a 100 piece marching band was led by the first “strutting” drum major, Edwin “Tubby” Essington.

Now the band has 225 members, each of whom must try out every year competing against a field of over 400 hopefuls.

One of the most well known traditions of the OSU Marching Band is the formation and performance of Script Ohio.

To go along with Script Ohio there is the dotting of the “i”.  Every time Script Ohio is performed a different fourth or fifth year sousaphone player is chosen to dot the “i”…unless, of course, it’s being dotted by one of the few select Honorary “i”-dotters.

Some of those given that honor include Woody Hayes, Jack Nicklaus and Bob Hope.

The OSU Marching Band is really amazing to watch in person and almost as cool to watch on video.  If you get the chance to visit Columbus during football season you have got to make OSU campus one of your stopping points on Saturday and experience TBDBITL at Skull Session or, if you are lucky enough to have tickets, on the field of Ohio Stadium during halftime.

Mike Guyot O-H-I-O Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio - $49.00

from: Lake Erie Artists Gallery

So, there you have it.  Like I said earlier, I could go on and on because I have a lot of photos of Ohio State landmarks and events and, being a Buckeye fan myself, I enjoy sharing information about my Alma Mater and former employer.

Expect to see a few more Ohio State-related Photos of the Day over the next week as I continue through my archive.

I hope you enjoyed these photos and like the ones to come.  Please share this post with any Buckeye fans you know and, if you have some OSU photos of your own that you’d like to share, drop a back-link in a comment below.

‘Till next time, thanks again and go make some memories!



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