Ohio Stadium and OSU Football via Mobile

I love having a smartphone with a high quality camera and nice camera apps because, no matter where I am, I’m always able to take quick, candid and artistic photos like these of Ohio Stadium on the Ohio State University campus during an OSU football game. 🙂

Ohio Stadium during autumn on the campus of The Ohio State University. Shot with Camera360 Ultimate for Android.

Ohio Stadium in the Fall. Shot with Camera360 Ultimate for Android.

With the quality of modern mobile phone cameras there is no need to lug your DSLR around when you’re going to a sporting event like an OSU football game.

Just grab your phone, make sure you have a great camera app (or two…or three…), stick it in your pocket and you’re ready to go!


Want to play a game of cornhole at the tailgate party? No problem!

Your camera/phone is right in your pocket so you don’t have to worry about hanging a DSLR around your neck.

Inside Ohio Stadium during an OSU football game. Shot with Camera360 Ultimate for Android using a cartoon effect.

Inside Ohio Stadium during an OSU football game. Shot with Camera360 Ultimate for Android.


Need a quick shot of your friends in the stadium after a touchdown?

Easy peasy! Turn the screen on, shoot and back in your pocket it goes!


Then, once you’ve got your pics on your phone, it’s simple to use one of the many available editing apps to add effects and share them instantly online.

Gotta love technology, huh?  🙂

Go Bucks!


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