Baby Elephant and Mother, Columbus Zoo.

Few things get the same kind of universal response as photos of baby animals so today I’m going to try for a good response with these photos of a baby elephant and its mother at the Columbus Zoo in Columbus, Ohio.

Beco, the baby Asian Elephant, drinks water from a pool in its habitat at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Columbus, Ohio. Pentax *ist DS.

Beco the Baby Asian Elephant at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Pentax *ist DS.

The baby elephant in the picture is Beco (pronounced BEE-co) and he was born at the Columbus Zoo on March 27, 2009.

Because baby animals at the Columbus Zoo (or any zoo) are such a big deal, when Beco was born the zoo held a contest and let people submit their favorite names for the baby elephant.

Over 11,000 entries were received and the zoo celebrated in a big way by announcing the baby elephant’s name on Mother’s Day 2009.

Mothers had free admission to the zoo that day and more than 15,000 people visited the zoo to get a look at Beco and share in the zoo’s festivities.

A baby Asian Elephant and its mother at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Columbus, Ohio. Pentax *ist DS.

Baby Elephant, Beco, and Mom at the Columbus Zoo. Pentax *ist DS.

The Columbus Zoo actually published a cute book about Beco to commemorate his first birthday:

Beco's Big Year: A Baby Elephant Turns One

Thanks for checking out my photos today and, if Beco’s cuteness made you smile, please share this post with your friends and pass along the good feelings!



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