Pink Flamingos at the Columbus Zoo

You know those tacky, plastic pink flamingos that some people like to put in their lawns as… decoration?

Well, they ain’t got nothing on the real thing!

Closeup of a pink American Flamingo (a.k.a. Caribbean Flamingo) at the Columbus Zoo. Pentax *ist DS.

Closeup of a pink American Flamingo (a.k.a. Caribbean Flamingo) at the Columbus Zoo. Pentax *ist DS.


Plastic lawn flamingos are, again, tacky.

They’re right there on the same level as this Perverted Garden Gnome (although I couldn’t rule out buying the perverted one or this Jimmy Buffet inspired Gnome ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

An American Flamingo (Caribbean Flamingo) standing on one leg at the Columbus Zoo. Pentax *ist DS.

An American (Caribbean Flamingo) on one leg at the Columbus Zoo. Pentax *ist DS.

Real flamingos, on the other hand, are pretty, graceful birds and have a sort of elegance to them.


The Columbus Zoo has a lot of American Flamingos (also known as Caribbean Flamingos) and there is always a little crowd to see them.

Among the birds at the zoo, the flamingos are one of the more photographer-friendly species.

Because they often stand still for good stretches of time and aren’t always on the move, it makes it easier to get close up shots like the one above.

They can, however, reach flight speeds of up to 37 mph! Pretty fast!

Oh yeah, and that bright pink color looks really good against an out of focus green or blue background.


All this coolness aside, I wouldn’t recommend keeping a flamingo just to have it look good on your lawn.

If you feel you absolutely must have one to give your lawn a little character, here you go:

Classic Pink Lawn Flamingos - Original Signed Don Featherstone Design


Thanks for reading and I’ll see you tomorrow for the Photos of the Week!



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