CEGPhoto.com’s New Look Is Here!

Finally, the new look for CEGPhoto.com is live and on the site!


I’ve really been looking forward to delivering it so have a look around and see what’s changed.

Like any new design, I tried to test it in as many environments as I could to make sure that it looks and functions properly but, if you notice any inconsistencies or issues, please let me know.  I’ll take the constructive criticism and try to get them resolved.

CEGPhoto.com's New Look Is Here!

CEGPhoto.com’s New Look Is Here!

Along with the new look of the site (based on one of the awesome designs from Elegant Themes) new features will be rolling out too.

The first one that you’ll see is going to be my new Photos of the Week posts.

Every Thursday morning I’ll publish the Photos of the Week and share some of my new photographs from the prior week, some favorite photographs from the past or a combination of past and present.

Regardless of how old they are, I promise to share lots of good photos. 🙂


Lastly, I’m starting the newsletter mailing list back up so, if you want to stay updated when I share new photos, find out about some great discounts and deals from my photographic partners and get exclusive, royalty free photo downloads and other freebies from time to time, just put your name and email in the form below and click “Submit”!


It’s a new day and I’m focused and excited to bring you the best that I’ve got so I hope you’ll follow along and enjoy it with me.



© 2013, CEGPhoto. All rights reserved.

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